Wednesday, April 4, 2012

the tentative plan

Hey folks, Here's the tentative schedule for our journey. Saturday July 14th - Travel day arriving in Managua sometime in the afternoon. Sunday July 15th - Church (perhaps) and some settling in and prep for the Teachers. Monday July 16th - Full Preparation day for the PD Sessions with the Teachers. Tuesday July 17th - PD Day with Nica Teachers. Wednesday July 18th - PD Day with Nica Teachers. Thursday July 19th - PD Day with Nica Teachers. Friday July 20th - PD Day with Nica Teachers. Saturday July 21st - Relax day. Sunday July 22nd - Perhaps tour of Volcano Masaya, Market and Abuela. Monday July 23rd - Perhaps a day in San Juan Del Sur. Tuesday July 24th - Travel day going home. The next post will look at some specifics of who's doing what during the PD Sessions.

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