Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Our House and a Visitor

More randoms pics on the last night

53 Nicaraguan and 5 Canadian teachers celebrating a wonderful week together.
Hanging out at the town square in San Marcos
Hanging out in Ada and Antonio's backyard after church enjoying a fried chicken lunch.
Coffee beans ripening on the coffee plants at the Skylark Centre
Fresh pineapple at the Centre for breakfast every morning...Ooooo baby!!!
Jesus and Nicaragua summed up in the double crosses that stand at the edge of Masaya

Random Photos of the EDVENTURE

Packing up all the gift bags in Newfoundland for the teachers who attend the PD.
Beautiful areas at the Skylark Centre to contemplate life and rest.
A classic country home kitchen in Los Medranos
Trudy and her girls having fun PDing

Last day in Nica for the remnant

Well Michelle has left and returned home.
Tammy has left and returned home.
Pat and Trudy have left and returned home early this morning.
Four of us remain for one more day and then we are off for Canada. As usual, this has been a journey of surprises. The PD team was expecting maybe 35 0r 40 teachers and 53 showed up which here, is a great turnout and wonderful success (as it was the teachers holiday time). The team has experienced aspects of Nicaragua where there are explicit and great needs, where there is wonderful beauty and beautiful people. Once again we have been humbled and challenged.
And then of course there's the silly fun things...
This morning Jim left Pete a love note or some poopie art - whatever you want to call it. Being the creative nutbar that he is, he placed a large piece of paper in the basketball court at a place where birds frequently poop on. It had a message for Pete on it and asked for love sponsors to mimic the birds...it doesn't get nuttier than that. This has been a great team, these are great friends and this has been an amazing experience. Loads of smiles and laughter, some tears along the way and new friendships and clearly God has opened our hearts to new things and more of His love.

Monday, July 23, 2012

Masaya and Grenada

We were off to today for a bit of a tour and a shop. We went to Masaya Market and bought a few trinkets for the natives and then off to Grenada - the oldest city in Central America apparently. Above is a bird in a fountain at a Grenada resyaurant we had lunch at. Below is beautiful Lake Nicaragua or as the locals call it Lake Grenada - home to one of the only fresh water sharks.
Behind the lake is the magnificent and dormant Volcano Mombacho
And we had an awesome boat ride, followed by ice cream in Grenada. "Suffering on mission" would not describe today. "Enjoying this beautiful country" would be a better descriptor.

Sunday, July 22, 2012

Sunday Church

Today we said goodbye to Tammy who flew back home. We had breakfast and then journeyed into Managua to a little Barrio Church in Waspan Norte to visit old friends.
Pastor Elvis and his family and several families in the barrio were there to receive us and we had a wonderful 4-5 hours together singing and dancing, praying and listening to a lesson, having lunch together and then sharing questions and testimonies with each other. It was a wonderful time.
This was a little church that Jim and Pete had been involved in 7 years ago and then 5 years ago - in the building of the structure and supporting some of that with teams from Guelph.
It was certainly good to see old friends, hug and shed a few tears and celebrate God's goodness to each and all of us.

An evening at the Skylark

On Saturday evening, the team was back at the Skylark Retreat Centre. There is a group of 14 Americans staying here and working with a private school down the road.
Last night this group hosted the graduating class at the Skylark and had a concert with a Band. We were here to enjoy the music. The Band "Kenosis" is Mauricio Manzaneres' band (or at least the one he is keyboardest in and they are great. Great evening.