Monday, July 16, 2012

Members of the edventure team

Cindi and Pete Olsen. Cindi is the Edu-Team Leader for the planned PD Sessions here in Nica. Cindi is a Vice principal in Kitchener Ontario and has a passion for student teachers and mission. Unfortunately, Cindi also has to manage her husband Pete - an enormous job requiring many talents and loads of patience. Pete is one of the Pastors at a church in Waterloo Ontario. Pete sits on the Board of directors for Threefold Ministries. He has a passion for kids and youth and young adults and a clear passion for Jesus. He also likes motorcycles, canoeing, missioning and laughing. They have missioned together in Kenya, Guatemala and Nicaragua and spent a year living in the Northwest Territories.
Jim Klaas is a wonderful addition to the educators on the team. Jim lives in Guelph with his wife Naomi. They have been missionaries in Argentina for 14 years and Jim is fluent in Spanish. Jim is thoughtful and obnoxious at the same time and always evokes process and creative expression in his challenges. Wonderful man - wonderful team member...loads of fun.
Trudy Hutchings and Patricia George are both retired teachers from Newfoundland. Trudy has been busy for the past 10 years travelling and teaching around the world in places like northern Ontario, Nunavut, China. She also has missioned into Guatemala and obviously has had a problem sitting still since she retired. Trudy brings humour, depth and wisdom with her on this team. Pat is just recently retired and is a bit of a dynamo with energy out the whazoo! Pat has a crisp Newfoundland accent and a wonderful laugh and brings clear energy to the teaching group.
Laura Robinson is a teacher in Parry Sound Ontario (last year before retiring) and works with Grades 9 and 10s and some special students. Laura is married to Gary who is the chief executive officer of Threefold Ministries and The Skylark Centre in Nicaragua where we are staying. Laura is gentle and approachable and has missioned into Nicaragua several times.
Jason Dewit is with this team but not as a teacher. Jason has come more as an explorer. Presently studying theology at Emmanuel Bible College in Kitchener Ontario, Jason is exploring next steps for himself and his wife Samantha in the area of missions. Where will God lead them in the near future? Samantha works at Manulife and they both serve in youth ministry as volunteer leaders. Samantha has learned Spanish and they have both participated on several missions together. Cool people wondering about those next steps.
Two more non-teachers on this adventure. On the left, Tammy Miller works in the HR department of RIM and with a team manages the data base of over 15,000 employees. Tammy has developed a desire to serve in areas of human trafficing and is here in Nicaragua exploring what is happening here in this very controversial area and wondering where this might lead her. Tammy is quick to laugh (and a unique laugh it is) and is very white (like burn to a crisp in the sun white - hoping for cloudy days :) On the right, Michelle Knowles works at WMB Church in Waterloo with Pete and part of her role there is Global Missions. She is in Nicaragua at the Skylark Centre exploring the possibility of a partnership between WMB Youth Ministry and The Skylark. Michelle is dynamic,fun-loving and passionate about missions.
If you pray, then please pray for this team as they explore partnering with educators here in Nicaragua and provide Professional Development for teachers here. If you pray, then please pray for those who have come seeking some answers to some clear and important questions. At the very least, enjoy this blogged journey in a wonderful country (second poorest in the western hemisphere) with these beautiful people so warm and welcoming and receive our thanks for your support of this team and this EDVENTURE.

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