Wednesday, July 18, 2012

A Visit to the Pentecostal Church

written by Jason Dewit...
Pete, Tammy and I went to a service Tuesday evening, at Pastor William's Church which is down the road from where we are staying. This is the same church that a team I was part of helped to build an addition in March. The church service started at 6:30pm but we didn't arrive until just after 7pm. Upon our arrival, we were graciously ushered up to the front row of chairs and instructed to take a seat. This kind gesture made it perfectly clear that we were late yet it didn't seem to matter to anyone. Maybe this was true because after all, we were on "Nicaragua time". The service was remarkable! Even though there was a language barrier, which created some difficulties, the presence of the Holy Spirit was very evident in the emotional, off key singing, Pastor William's passionate teaching, the drummer as he hammered out a beat, the keyboardist as he played, and the smiling faces and warm embraces. If I haven't convinced you yet that the Holy Spirit was in attendance, then pay attention to this...
Pastor William had everyone stand up and instructed that the chairs be pushed off to the sides. He then had everyone form a circle around the three of us. Then music, singing and prayer began. Pastor William had warned us that they would be praying for us "Pentecostal" style and the emotion expressed by the congregation as they prayed was nothing but the anointing of the Holy Spirit on all of us. You probably have guessed that my eyes were open but I simply wanted to observe what I was hearing. Their tears were an outward expression of their passionate faith and compassionate hearts. We were not strangers. We were family. At the end of the church service, one by one, the entire congregation came to each of us and extended a personal blessing. The most profound blessing for me came from Pastor William's daughter Jessica. She thanked me for coming back in March and reminded me for the second time to say "hi" to my wife Samantha and to Romy. I really didn't want the evening to end but it was 9pm, the service was over, most people had left and we were all tired. It is amazing how in community we find a common unity and are no longer considered strangers. Indeed, the triune God is at work in this place.

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