Thursday, July 19, 2012

from Jim Klaas

The Nicaraguans have been asking us why we have come and what do we think of them. Not surprising because we wanted to know why they came and what they think of us. Why I came: First of all I will jump at the chance to do anything with Pete and Cindi. For some reason the Kingdom of God seems to spill out around them. Sometimes it is a little messy but it always interesting. Besides I like to make fun of Pete's big head. Now that I am here, other things are impacting me as well. I am deeply moved by the creativity and passion of the Canadian teachers on this trip. Their 150 years of collective experience shows. As one Nicaraguan teacher said, "We have been taught a lot of theory but not been shown how to do it. The Canadian teachers have been excellent in demonstrating and living the methods taught.
To the Nicaraguans this is my perception of them that I shared this morning: "Teaching is a noble calling because the Bible says that to the children, the Kingdom of God belongs. The work of training and formation of their lives is a Kingdom work and therefore you all are agents of carrying out God's will for His creation. I know that what you do, you do it with love and very few resources. It is a job that is tiring and wears you out. Sometimes the burden gets too heavy as you struggle with poverty, violence and malnutrition. It breaks your heart and ours as well.
Yet it is an enormous privilege we all have in shaping the next generation, offering our best, struggling together. Thank you for your hard work, your perseverance and your openness in receiving us. We feel loved and blessed. You have been teaching us all week and we will live with the fingerprints of your hearts in our lives.” Thanks for caring, Jim

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