Saturday, July 21, 2012

Saturday - a day of rest

Saturday - The education PD has come to a close and the team can rest. Michelle has come and gone. Everyone took today and simply had a break. Some of the team headed off early to do some zip-lining through the canopy (pics to come) while a later group joined them and everyone went to La Abuelas (Grandmas) which is a restaurant in an extinct volcano where the hollow of the volcano is filled with fresh water. What a beautiful spot.
Sad news - Gary and Laura's dog Goldie passed away today. It is always sad to lose a faithful and loving dog. Goldie was almost 15 and had a great life. Tonight we'll enjoy a concert at the centre and a good sleep before we head off to a downtown Managua Church in a tough little barrio known as Waspan Norte with some pretty incredible day at a time. Cindi and I rode in the back of a pick-up today Nica style.

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