Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Day 1 of the PD Sessions

Day One of the PD started with 53 Nicaraguan Teachers here. We were expecting at the most, if we were lucky - 40. That in itself is a wonderful success and problem to have.
The day went very well with Cindi opening and closing the day, Jim and Pat running sessions in the morning and then Trudy and Laura finishing up in the afternoon.
Everyone had a blast, learned a lot and were tired at the end of the day.
Topics covered were things like learning styles, co-operative learning, literacy and problem solving. Cindi introduced a tool called structured partner talk. The hope is that some of these tools will be helpful in their teaching times but right now everyone is discovering what works and what doesn't.
It is wonderful to see Canadian Teachers and Nicaraguan Teachers connecting and rubbing shoulders, sharing their love for education and for young people.
A great first day.

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